Club Rules
The following Rules and Regulations have been established by the Greenwood Park Bells Lake Community Club’s Board of Directors for the safeguarding of its members, their guests, and for the protection of their property. Since each member has a vested interest in the safe and healthful operations of the Club’s facilities, it is essential that these Rules and Regulations be observed. These policies may be added to, deleted or modified by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
No Pets of any kind will be allowed on the grounds.
Bicycle riders shall walk their bikes through the entrance and to the parking stalls. Should there be more bikes than available stalls, they should be parked upright and adjacent to the stalls. Bicycles thrown on the ground and parked out of the prescribed area will not be tolerated.
NO GLASS articles of ANY KIND are allowed on Club grounds. The Management reserves the right to inspect coolers, bags or any containers to enforce this.
There shall be NO LOITERING, CONGREGATING, OR VISITING near the entrance or in the gatekeeper’s or manager’s office.
Children with SWIMMIES MUST STAY in the SHALLOW END of the pool and MUST BE ACCOMPANIED by an ADULT, who is IN the water…AT ALL TIMES.
Floats are permitted in the lake, NOT in the pool. This includes inner-tubes and noodles.
Boating and fishing is not permitted in or near the roped off swim area.
GASOLINE ENGINES in any form are PROHIBITED. They may not even be attached to a boat.
No loitering, congregating or visiting with the life guards or socializing with the life guards while on duty. Interfering with the life guards in the execution of their assigned duties is strictly prohibited.
The BABY POOL is limited to children under six years of age.
Babies in disposable diapers are NOT PERMITTED in either the main pool OR the baby pool. Babies in REGULAR DIAPERS and PLASTIC PANTS are permitted in the BABY POOL.
Only ONE PERSON at a time is allowed on the diving board. All dives must be executed in line with the diving board. Swimmers completing their dive must exit the pool via the pool ladders on either side of the diving area.
Swimmers must wear regular bathing suits. No cutoffs, shorts etc. may be worn in the pool. This is by order of the Board of Health.
Profanity or Fighting will NOT BE TOLERATED, ANYTIME or ANYWHERE.
Pursuant to the State Board of Health…SHOWERS ARE REQUIRED before entering the pool. This especially applies to those who have been swimming in the lake or playing Volleyball.
Use of the lake is STRICTLY PROHIBITED when there is NO LIFEGUARD PRESENT.
NO CHILDREN under the age of 18 years of age are permitted IN THE POOL OR ON THE APRON during ADULT SWIMS.
NO MEMBERS OR GUESTS with skin rashes, abrasions, sores or infections of the skin or respiratory tract will be allowed in the pool. If in doubt, please see the Club Manager.
SMOKING IS PROHIBITED except in the designated smoking areas.
Anyone renting a boat on our lake MUST WEAR A LIFE JACKET. To rent a boat you must be 14 years old or be with an adult. Those who own a boat and have lawful permission to be on our lake MUST HAVE A LIFE JACKET FOR EVERYONE IN THE BOAT.
All children must take the Kayak Test before taking out a kayak.
Violations of posted rules is reason to eject or otherwise restrict a person or group from using the facilities for a period of time specified by the Club Manager. The Board of Directors may also REVOKE OR OTHERWISE DENY MEMBERSHIP to those who do not conform to the Rules and Regulations.
Playing catch in the pool will be allowed at the discretion of the lifeguard staff, and only with soft water - absorbent balls. Playing catch on the pool apron is prohibited.
Safety Rules and Regulations and Pool Apron: NO
Floating Toys
Horseplay of ANY KIND
The Pool Manager has FULL AUTHORITY granted by the Board of Directors for the interpretation and enforcement of all Rules and Regulations of the Club.
Life Guards have COMPLETE AUTHORITY to enforce all Rules and Regulations of the Club.
During SWIM TEAM PRACTICE and at SWIM LESSONS, ALL PERSONS ARE LIMITED TO THE IMMEDIATE POOL DECK AREA. Members (especially children) are not to wander the Club Grounds, or play in any area other than the immediate pool apron areas. This especially applies to the Lake Area.
All Wibit rules and requirements have been set forth to ensure your safety and fun while on the Wibit. The rules and requirements are subject to change based off the Head Manager and Board of Directors at GPBLCC, as well as any new Wibit pieces that may be added over time.
Each Wibit group is limited to fifteen (15) people per 20 minute session.
Wibit is open during operational lake hours, Monday - Friday 12:00 - 7:00 pm and Weekends and Holidays 11:00 - 7:00 pm
Life jackets are required for everyone going out on the Wibit, no exceptions. Only the blue life jackets are to be worn for the wibit and must be properly clipped before using the wibit.
At completion of your session, Life jackets must be returned, rinsed off, and HUNG UP at the designated location.
After the use of the Wibit, ALL GUESTS MUST SHOWER OFF BEFORE RETURNING TO THE POOL(s). This will ensure no sand, seaweed or anything from the lake gets into the Pool’s systems.
No one is permitted to sign up for two consecutive Wibit sessions. The Wibit may be at times very demanding on your body, therefore we require 20 minutes rest time between sessions.
Those wanting to use the wibit must go to the manager’s office and get a lifeguard to sign them up on the wibit board for one session at a time. We do not allow for other people to sign up for anyone else. This is to ensure that the swimmers are within the guidelines set forth by the Head Manager and The Board of Directors.
NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 6 IS PERMITTED ON THE WIBIT. Everyone between the ages of 6-11 must have passed the swim test in order to go on the Wibit. Swim Bands must be worn at all times while on the Wibit as well.
No jewelry, belts, casts, or any other type of sharp objects are authorized on the Wibit. Lifeguards are not required to help swimmers up and onto the Wibit. By passing the deep end test you are showing that you are able to swim out to the Wibit on your own and be able to get on the Wibit without the need of a lifeguard.
Jumping off any portion of the Wibit requires a feet first entry. There is no diving, flips, etc. permitted of any section of the Wibit.
All swimmers will listen to the lifeguard while on the Wibit. Failure to do so could result in, but not limited to: Removal from that Wibit Group, removal from the Wibit for the day, or seasonal removal from using the wibit.
Boating and fishing is not permitted in or near the roped off swim area.
Gasoline engines are prohibited in any form. They may not even be attached to a boat.
Use of the lake is strictly prohibited when there is no lifeguard present.
Anyone renting a boat on our lake MUST wear a life jacket. Those who own a boat and have lawful permission to be on our lake, MUST have a life jacket for everyone in the boat.
Members 12 years of age and older may take out a Kayak after they have successfully completed the Kayak Test.
All boaters must be cleared from the lake or designated swimming areas when Tri-Club swimmers are present for scheduled training sessions.
All boaters must adhere to lifeguards when signaling to exit the water due to hazardous weather conditions or for other safety purposes.
In case of an emergency (weather or natural causes), the pool will be closed by the Manager until conditions warrant its reopening. The manager reserves the right to make decisions in the interest of the member’s safety.
Upon entering the Club, all members must sign in, present and surrender their membership cards to the gatekeeper. It is your responsibility to get your cards back upon your departure.
Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult (18 or older), who will be responsible for his or her well being.
All guests of members must be checked in by an adult member. No guest will be permitted to enter without the member present. Members may bring up to 10 guests per day. After 10, it is considered a "party" and you must reserve and pay for a pavilion or grounds rental. Please see our reservations page for more details.
The Club has no facility for the checking of valuables. Please do not bring them, as the Club will not be responsible for any articles lost or stolen.
Domestic help, babysitters or nursemaids acting in that capacity will be permitted to accompany member children. All guests must pay the daily guest fee.
All Guests must be signed in and ACCOMPANIED by a member in good standing. Member children may bring an adult guest who will be responsible for that child’s care and behavior.
Senior Citizens (age 65 +) are permitted into the Club as Guests of a member for a charge of $5.00 both weekdays and weekends.
All children twelve years of age and under Must take a swim test before going beyond the roped off area of the pool. Swim Bands must be worn at all times.
If a member has a problem with the operation of the Club, that member should first bring it to the attention of the Manager. If warranted, the Manager will then bring it to the attention of the Board of Directors. If the problem is with the Manager, the member has the right to bring the problem directly to the Board.
Anyone wishing to run classes and/or programs at the Club, must first obtain written permission from the Board of Directors. The program will be run under the Board’s guidelines.
No one under the age of 18 may join the Club without an adult family member also joining.
Boat rentals will be limited to persons at least 14 years of age.
Guest fees are reduced to $5.00 per person for those entering the Club after 6:00PM including weekends.
Adult MEMBERS may purchase a boat key when their membership application is approved for an additional fee.
Keys must not be used during regular pool hours.
The gate to the boat ramp area must be locked when entering and leaving.
Any child that wants to fish before or after hours must be at least 18 years of age unless accompanied by an adult. Children under 18 may not use the key to go fishing or boating by themselves.
Fishermen over the age of 14 are required by State Law to have a valid fishing license.
Boats must register with the Lake and Dam Chairperson and must display the permit sticker.
You must be a member in order to use a boat. Misuse of a key can and will result in the loss of your membership.
The Manager, Assistant Manager, Lifeguards and Board of Directors enforce all rules. Violations of any rule will be dealt with as follows:
FIRST VIOLATION: Warning will be given.
SECOND VIOLATION: Entire family suspended for 1 week.
THIRD VIOLATION: Entire family suspended for remainder of the summer season and membership dues will be forfeited.